Tag: vanessa ho

Vanessa Ho dyson airwrap

Rethink the Way You Curl Your Hair with the Dyson Airwrap...

Hands up if you blew a bit of a bomb for the Dyson Supersonic. Was it worth it? What I heard from my friends...

Rethink the Way You Curl Your Hair with the Dyson Airwrap...

Hands up if you blew a bit of a bomb for the Dyson Supersonic. Was it worth it? What I heard from my friends...
Vanessa Ho - Canon PIXMA

Vanessa Gets Creative with the New Canon PIXMA Printer

Shisen Hanten at Mandarin Orchard, Singapore was fully decked out as I gave a presentation about my experience with the Canon PIXMA TS8270. I got...
NXT Angel Vanesso Ho

Hello Malaysia – Meet Vanessa, the Very First NXT Angel

Mark your calendar! 19 October 2018 is the official launch of NXT in Malaysia, and it’s happening at the Canon PhotoMarathon in Sunway Pyramid. We...

Vanessa Gets Creative with the New Canon PIXMA Printer

Shisen Hanten at Mandarin Orchard was fully decked out as I gave a presentation about my experience with the Canon PIXMA TS8270. I got the...