Apple has unveiled the Apple Watch Series 9, which introduces a range of new features to the world’s best-selling smartwatch while achieving an important environmental milestone. The Series 9 boasts improved performance with the new S9 SiP chip, a novel double tap gesture, a brighter display, faster on-device Siri with access to health data, Precision Finding for iPhone, and more. Additionally, it runs watchOS 10, which includes redesigned apps, the new Smart Stack, fresh watch faces, enhanced cycling and hiking features, and tools to support mental health.
A notable environmental achievement is the option for customers to select a carbon-neutral version of any Apple Watch, aligning with Apple’s commitment to becoming carbon-neutral across its entire business, supply chain, and product life cycle by 2030. The new Apple Watch lineup is available for pre-order today, with availability starting on September 22.
Apple’s COO, Jeff Williams, stated, “Apple Watch is an indispensable companion that helps millions of people with their health, fitness, communications, and safety. We’re introducing our best Apple Watch lineup, with incredible new capabilities and technological advancements, including a new double tap gesture, brighter display, on-device Siri, as well as our first-ever carbon-neutral products.”
Key features of the Apple Watch Series 9 include the S9 SiP chip, a new double tap gesture for one-handed control, a brighter display, on-device Siri with access to health data, Precision Finding for iPhone, and more. The watch’s S9 SiP chip is more powerful and power-efficient, ensuring all-day battery life. The double tap gesture allows users to perform common actions without touching the display.
The Series 9 boasts a maximum display brightness of up to 2000 nits, making it easier to read in bright sunlight or lower light conditions. Siri can now process requests on the device for quicker and more reliable responses, and it can access health data for related queries. Precision Finding helps users locate their iPhone, and the watch integrates with HomePod for media control.
The watch runs on watchOS 10, which offers various enhancements, including redesigned apps, new watch faces, Bluetooth connectivity for cyclists, cycling workouts, improved compass features, mental health tools, and the ability to measure daylight exposure.
The Apple Watch Series 9 lineup includes various case and band options, including a new pink aluminium case. Apple is also introducing environmentally friendly bands, such as FineWoven microtwill, made from recycled materials.
Additionally, Apple has partnered with Nike and Hermès to create more eco-friendly band collections.
The Series 9 is available in various sizes, case materials, and colours, offering a wide range of options to suit different preferences.
Customers in Singapore can order Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch SE today, with availability in stores beginning Friday, September 22.
Apple Watch Series 9 starts at S$599, and Apple Watch SE starts at S$379
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