Infineon LG Make Hackathon on IOT Debuts in Singapore

Driven by the shared goal of creating a smarter and more connected world, Infineon Technologies and LG hosted the inaugural “Infineon LG Make Hackathon” on breakthrough Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in Singapore.

LG Infineon

Empowering New Business

The aim of the hackathon is to empower seasoned start-ups and student entrepreneurs to create new technological solutions for IoT that will run on the LG webOS open source platform with Infineon microelectronics capabilities such as intelligence, power efficiency, security, and sensing. Working closely together, Infineon and LG provided interested innovators with technology guidance, as well as special access to products and software to help the shortlisted teams develop and showcase proofs-of-concepts to a panel of judges at Infineon Asia Pacific office in Singapore.

GoReMas Enterprise from Malaysia was awarded first prize and Wangi Lai PLT, also from Malaysia, was awarded second prize for their innovative solutions. The teams were selected from among a pool of 15 startups and student entrepreneurs from countries including China, India, Ukraine and Singapore. Winners will receive $5,000 and $3,000, respectively.

GoReMas Enterprise’s prototype, Floodsensed, is an IoT flood monitoring system with social media alerts supporting Facebook, Slack and YouTube Live, among others. The system gathers rain volumes, water levels, temperature and barometric pressure from device gateways and nodes and sends the data to the Floodsensed IoT platform. Wangi Lai PLT’s BAWA Cane is a clip-on module for existing white canes that helps the blind and visually impaired identify and avoid obstacles with shared insights and foresight through data analytics.