Wenjun: The new wave of gaming laptops like the HP Omen 15 are noticeably lighter

The new NVIDIA Max-Q tech makes it possible for laptop makers to produce gaming laptops that are significantly lighter and with minimal compromise when it comes to gaming performance. Wenjun may not be a gamer, but interestingly, she knows firsthand what it’s like to carry one around.

Wenjun“Personally, when I choose a laptop, I actually am looking for the lightest laptop I can find, while the processor is powerful enough so that it doesn’t feel laggy. I’m not a gamer so I may not be able to appreciate what it can do when it’s at its full potential, but I like using it so far. I tend to open a lot of tabs when I’m doing research, so that can be quite taxing on my computer. I feel I can get a lot more work done if this was my everyday laptop. The display resolution is rather sharp, and I’m quite impressed by the speakers, and I’ll also find myself watching more videos because of this. True story: some of my friends have gaming laptops, and funnily enough, we sometimes help them carry their laptops around on campus. If they’re using this, they can carry this on their own!”

– Wenjun (@wenjunt)




HP Omen 15

HP Omen 15

