We had the pleasure of attending Sony Mobile’s launch event for the Sony Xperia XZ1, Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact, and Sony Xperia XA1. Each phone is a powerhouse with tons of new features, but the XZ1 really blew us away. Here are some of the cool functions that we saw (and even managed to try some out).
Shoot, Scan and Share… in 3D!
The presentation began with an animation showing Iron Man flying back onto Stark Tower and removing his armor. Except that instead of Tony Stark in the armor we got Sony Singapore’s marketing director Vincent Yip instead. The entire thing was done in 3D and wasn’t just a cheap photoshop job.
The Sony Xperia XZ1 features the ability to generate high-quality scans of 3D objects in under a minute. The 3D scans can be shared via messenger apps or brought to life as fun avatars using various VR options. This is the first time any smartphone is capable of doing this. As a bonus, there’s even a printing service available that lets you print your 3D scans and have them sent to your doorstep. Talk about convenient!
Just Smile! My Phone’s Camera will Detect it
What if I told you that your smartphone’s camera can detect a person’s smile and start snapping at the best moment? Sounds impossible, right? Well as it turns out that’s precisely what Sony has achieved with the Xperia XZ1. The Motion Eye camera offers a new Predictive Capture that stays one step ahead and automatically starts buffering images when it detects action or even a smile, before you press the shutter button. You can capture every single frame of your subject’s act of smiling, and pick the best one.
This is perfect for all you influencers out there where having the best selfie makes a big difference. Or, you know, boyfriends of influencers who have been told off numerous times that their photo-taking skills suck.
The Best-Sounding Smartphone Ever
The Xperia XZ1 features two front-facing stereo speakers. Sony claims that it offers a 50% improvement in sound pressure in comparison to previous models. Numbers are great and all, but the proof is in the pudding. We were taken to a sound-proof room and actually heard for ourselves how much of an improvement this is. I can tell you this – the sound is legitimately awesome. It’s almost as if you’re listening to the song on a pair of headphones. You won’t be needing those unnecessary “lifehacks” where you place your phone in a cup. Just upgrade your phone to an Xperia XZ1.