LG has released a video titled “LG Nano Cell Super Challenge”, which stars former Brazilian football superstar Kakà, and showcases the premium LG SUPER UHD TV, which incorporates the company’s Nano Cell technology. The video has exceeded 200 million views. You can catch it , or by clicking the video below.
As part of the campaign, LG Singapore is organizing a Facebook contest and the winning participant will walk away with a set of football and jersey signed by Kakà himself.
Joining the contest is super simple, just head on to this link and follow the instructions in the post.
What Is This Video About?
In this video, Kakà shows off his world-class football skills by aiming the ball at squares on a video wall positioned at a 60-degree angle. He quickly completes his mission when shooting at the LG Nano Cell TV video wall but struggles to do the same on the conventional LCD TV wall.
The video emphasizes the importance of a TV’s viewing angle, as people tend to watch TV not only from the front but also from off-axis positions. They often watch sports on TV with family or friends in the living room, and in the kitchen while cooking or washing dishes. The deterioration of a TV’s color reproduction and contrast when viewed off-axis negatively affects the overall viewing experience.