Make Your Car Trip A Google Worthy One With The Insta360 Pro Camera

Insta360 Pro front view

Well, Google Street View-worthy, that is. The Insta360 Pro has recently been certified by Google as Street View Ready. What this means is that your car rides can now potentially be featured on Google Street View! Are you ready to get your neighbourhood on the map?


Ride And Shoot (A Camera, That Is)

Insta360 Pro with car attachment

The Insta360 Pro is the first camera to be certified as “Street View Auto Ready’ by Google. There are a few other cameras out there that are in the process of earning the designation, but the Insta360 Pro has the honour of being the first. It’s a category reserved for “advanced cameras that offer high-speed, high-accuracy Street View capture and publishing.”

In other words, with an Insta360 Pro camera affixed to the top of your car, you’ve practically got a Google Street View car thing going on. Thanks to its onboard stabilization and advanced optical-flow stitching algorithm, the Insta360 Pro can capture high-quality content while mounted on a moving vehicle.

Seamless Collaboration

Insta360 Pro Google Street View certification

Users who have the Street View app will be able to control the Pro from within in. They can also upload their freshly captured 350-degree content directly to Street View using the free Insta360 Stitcher software.

To supplement its accreditation, the Insta360 Pro will also add a new shooting mode and an optional USB accessory. The new 5 FPS 8K shooting mode is optimized for efficient Street View content collection, while the USB accessory automatically appends GPS data to 360 photos.

Bringing Tech To Everybody

Insta360 Pro 3/4 view

When Google Street View first kicked off a decade ago, high-quality 360 photography was a rather exclusive thing. Definitely not easily available to the average layman. Now though, with advances in technology, this same technology is much more affordable.

The Insta360 Pro has a retail price of $3,499, which might sound daunting, but which still makes it more affordable than some of its counterparts. And if that’s still too intimidating a figure, there’s always Google’s Street View loan program.  Google will offer 50 cameras through the loan program.